Ram Gopal Varma apologises for his ugly April Fool’s Day joke after Netizens glue up his wits

Ramgopal Verma

When it’s about the display of wit, humour or merely the timeliness of putting out the presence of mind on social media, time and again, filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma falls flat just like his many Bollywood creations.

This time, when he tried to play April Fool prank with his four million Twitter followers by tweeting out the bait that he has been tested positive for coronavirus, Twitteratis just couldn’t digest this off-the-hook crack of what Varma later called ‘an April Fool joke’.

Instead of amusing the netizens, it has in fact unleashed the troll brigade on him. RGV is known for his unapologetic comments on celebs and various other topics.

Thereafter, this bland April Fool prank backfired with netizens writing out their displeasure to such public display of ‘unfunny’ humour at a time when the nation is fighting a fierce battle against Corona virus pandemic.

“Could someone from Govt consider this as misinformation and sue this man for making a joke out of a pandemic? Dear Mr RGV, I urge you to bloody use your brains for atleast once to try and understand how offensive this is to someone who is tested positive and battling out there,” a Twitter user wrote with the handle @sharma_srikari.

Ram Gopal Varma


Sorry to disappoint, but now he tells me it’s a April Fool joke  it’s his fault and not mine

Srikari Sharma@sharma_srikari

Could someone from Govt consider this as misinformation and sue this man for making a joke out of a pandemic?
Dear Mr RGV, I urge you to bloody use your brains for atleast once to try and understand how offensive this is to someone who is tested positive and battling out there

See Srikari Sharma’s other Tweets

“Joke or not you are definitely sick..!,” another Twitter user @RohitHolmes9 wrote.

Ram Gopal Varma


My doctor just told me that I tested positive with Corona


Joke or Not, You are definitely SICK.!

See Rohit’s other Tweets

“Try telling that to someone on a ventilator unable to breathe and fighting for their lives! NOT FUNNY!”, wrote another user.

Ram Gopal Varma


Anyway I am just trying to make light of a grim situation but the joke is on me and if I dint offend anyone I sincerely apologise to them


Try telling that to someone on a ventilator unable to breathe and fighting for their lives

See Azad’s other Tweets

“Sir please this ‘CORONA VIRUS’ is nothing to joke about. This is a Pandemic.. People are dying.. I pray that this joke of yours should never come true”, one of the user wrote.

“You have lost sense of humour just like your movies off late has lost all senses”, another said.

Ram Gopal Varma


Anyway I am just trying to make light of a grim situation but the joke is on me and if I dint offend anyone I sincerely apologise to them


You have lost sense of humour just like your movies off late has lost all senses.

See Par!x!t’s other Tweets

Minutes after, to douse the fire he sparked himself online, Varma tweeted that the ‘joke is on him’ and he wanted to ‘sincerely apologize’ for his previous tweet. But by then, the digital damage had already become irreversible.

Ram Gopal Varma


Anyway I am just trying to make light of a grim situation but the joke is on me and if I dint offend anyone I sincerely apologise to them

279 people are talking about this

“Sorry to disappoint, but now he tells me it’s a April Fool joke it’s his fault and not mine”, Ram Gopal Varma tweeted, adding, “Anyway I am just trying to make light of a grim situation but the joke is on me and if I dint offend anyone I sincerely apologise to them”.


Courtesy : Jagran

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